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Image by Mike Petrucci
Image by Clem Onojeghuo

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find some of the most common questions we receive along with their answers. If you have a question that you do not see below, please contact us and we will do our best to answer any questions you have.

How often do you mail?

We mail every 3-months usually in; January, April, July, October.

How large is the circulation per zone?

The circulation is 20,000 per zone mailed which is typically a radius of about 3-4 miles from the center of the zone. Yapabook makes sure that the advertiser in that zone is within that circulation radius.

What type of mailing to you use?

We use EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail).  However, we use specific zip codes and mail routes that ensure success based on specific criteria that matches up well with the type of advertisers in that particular booklet.

Does the cards have an expiration date?

The cards have a standard expiration date of 3-months that flow with the timeline of each mailing.

How do I get my Offer Card designed?

We can provide the specifications and you provide Yapabook with a high-res print file or Yapabook can design the card for you for a $75 design fee, which includes one revision.  Yapabook would actually prefer to design the card, as we like to keep the booklet looking consistent. 


How do I determine what my offer should be or advertising message?


Under the “Advertise With Us” section you can acquire our Tips for Writing Offers in the document set (password required and will be provided once you fill out the information form).

How much does it cost?

Under the “Advertise With Us” section you can acquire our Rate Card and payment deadlines in the document set (password required and will be provided once you fill out the information form).

What if you do not mail to my area/zone?

Let us know where you are located and we will try to mail to that area/zone in the future.

Can I still buy a Card in the book even though I am not in the current mailing zone?

Yes you can!  Sometimes there are businesses that are destination driven that consumers will drive to in which to do business.

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